• Our experienced agents will assist you in managing your image and your collaborations with brands and restaurants.

          Do you want to associate your image with that of a Chef to make your brand shine? Our agents and experts will help you find the right strategy and the right Chef profile.

          Create unique collaborations with renowned chefs to add flair to your menu and personality to your restaurant.

    • Our integrated culinary agency will accompany you in the conception and realization of your most ambitious culinary projects.

      It took one trip to bring together the worlds of rugby and gastronomy.

      They now occupy an important place in the French media landscape; adored and courted, discover our Chef(s).

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About us

Uniique is an integrated culinary agency composed of Chefs' Agents and marketing experts. Our ambition: to create unique and impactful collaborations to make your brand shine!

Our story

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« Les Chefs et les rugbymen ont toujours été fortement ancrés dans le paysage français.
Their passion for their profession, their taste for challenge and their common desire to obtain a new star, make them media-friendly and beloved personalities.

Our 25 years of rugby career have allowed us to meet many Chefs and Food & Beverage experts.
The tables shared with the professional players and coaches, immersed us in the exciting and creative world of gastronomy.

During a trip to Japan in 2019 for the Rugby World Cup, I realize that Chefs are true celebrities adored throughout the Asian continent.

Back in France, my passion for gastronomy grew and pushed me to create a culinary agency dedicated to Chefs in order to help them manage their image and collaborations signed with brands.

Today, marketing experts have joined the team and allow us to offer Chefs and brands strategic and operational marketing support to make these collaborations shine effectively." 

Pascal Forni

Agents & experts

Pascal Forni

France Director 

Historical agent of French and world rugby. 25 years of experience in negotiating and connecting brands with the right talent.


Benjamin Goutière

Agent & Sales Manager 

8 years of experience in managing the image of Chefs, establishing relationships with brands and negotiating contracts.

Marion Prély

Agent & Marketing Manager 

10 years of experience in the food industry, managing Chef/Brand relationships and associated marketing campaigns.

Laurine Marié

Cheffe de projet 

Après une immersion de deux ans auprès d’une Cheffe de renom, Laurine s’est découvert deux passions : la gastronomie et la gestion de projet.

Our references

Our latest achievements

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